In other words, when God makes a person rich,
when God gives too much money to a person, when God makes a person very wealthy
though he- the rich person- is disbeliever, does that mean God Loves him?
Many people have complained although
they believe in God and worship him, still they don’t have what disbelievers
have, and they don’t enjoy life how disbelievers do. Dears, if we go back to
Quran, we can get the answer, realize what the answer is. I know you are Muslim, but poor. Also, there are some people who don’t believe
in God, but affluent. Dears, let’s take a look at Quran and see what it
says. In Sura Al-Zukhruf,/
Aya-33-35 /Juz 25
Had it not been
that all people would become one community (of unbelievers), We might have
given those who disbelieve in Ar-Rahman roofs of silver for their dwellings and
(silver) stairs for mounting, (33) And
doors (of silver) for their houses, (silver) couches for reclining, (34) And ornaments of gold. But all this would have
been nothing but the vanity of this world. The Hereafter with your Lord is for
those who take heed for themselves and follow the straight path. (35)
Therefore, being rich shouldn’t be
the goal of our life because this life is too short to live for, but we should
try to be rich in worshiping God for the Day of Judgment. Why do we want to have a good but very short
life here?
This life is specifically for those
who don’t care about the hereafter; they want to have everything here, and when
they die, everything will be gone. However, Muslims have chosen the other life because
it will be everlasting. I personally don’t sell the everlasting life by this
short life. In fact, Muslims can have both this life and the hereafter. What
they need is to care about what God told them through Quran, and how the
prophet Muhammad (Pease be upon him) advised them to live in life. If we follow
our Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) completely, there is no doubt, we will
have a good life here and in the hereafter.
God Bless All Muslims around the
whole world.
If I have said anything wrong, it is
from Satan, not from my perfect Religion- Islam.
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